New EP "FISH" now available
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IN MY PRIME was founded in 2021 and was originally just a side project or fun project for me. In the meantime, it has a different status and carries an important message to the world. As is well known, one can argue about taste in music, but it’s not just about the music here. It’s about creating an awareness of how humans see animals, how we treat them and what our duty towards them is.
“I always felt there is something wrong but I never could address it properly. After our beloved cat “Benny” died I felt so sad and tired. A family member passed away and I couldn´t believe that this would have such an huge impact on me. I wasn´t vegan that time and it took three years to recognize that this is the only way of living I want to be a part of. I am so thankful that my lovely sweet wife Sabine went with me down the same road. Thank you very much for your strength, understanding, wonderful uniqueness and love.
After the loss I felt something is missing and cannot be replaced. One day I looked at my plate, thinking of “Benny” and it hit me. I am eating “someone”… How can this be allowed? Still it took a time to be vegan for once and for all.
I looked up the industry, tried to see what procedures are common and is there a way to get your actions and ethics together. After what I saw I went straight vegan. I cannot be a part of this mass murder. I couldn´t believe what humans do to these lovely creatures. I felt sick and ashamed to be a human person. “
All we need from animals is their forgiveness!
Life on earth is worth protecting and cannot be taken for granted. We know of no other planet where such a beautiful thing called “life” has been accomplished. But why do we only protect one and not the other? Isn’t every life worth living? “IN MY PRIME” therefore supports those who have no voice and cannot speak for themselves. Therefore, the topic of veganism, animal suffering and other things related to the topic of “animals” are often dealt with in the texts of IN MY PRIME.
IN MY PRIME started as a non-profit punk rock project for animal rights, animal liberation and veganism. The proceeds from the music are collected and donated in full to animal rights activists, animal welfare organizations and other organizations committed to animal freedom. These also include associations such as animal shelters or doctors against animal experiments.
Everyone can help to make the world a little bit fairer and better. I am happy about every stream and every download, because it benefits the smallest and weakest. Everything is donated, without exception. You can help save some animals’ lives and stream or download our music so the money can be used to help animal liberation or fight for animal rights. The best way to support animals around the world is to go vegan.
If you don’t like the music, just don’t listen to it. You can also keep your opinion about it to yourself. I’m not interested. There are people who have a heart and a passion for punk rock. That’s enough. If you like the music, it would be nice if you carried the message further. If you just want to listen to the music, that’s fine too.
Animal rights activists are repeatedly accused of being extreme. But is it really extreme to refuse when it comes to murdering a living being? Is it extreme not to pay a deputy to slit the throat of a cow or a pig? In western civilization we are in no way dependent on animal products. Not for food, not for clothing, not for entertainment, and not for testing. Veganism is the way to avoid and prevent all animal suffering. If the decision to go with the alternative is made in the supermarket, then the animal industry will soon no longer exist in this form.
More than 80% of the German population are against factory farming. Everyone only buys the finest “organic meat” from the farmer next door. As a vegan, I then ask myself, where do all these animal corpses come from? Most people are unaware of what and whom they eat. That is why vegans want to show this grievance. We’re not extreme. We are incredibly sad and shocked of what human kind is capable of.
More than 80 billion land animals are slaughtered for the food industry worldwide every year. So it is absolutely impossible with these numbers that all these animals could have had a nice, peaceful life to the end. The practices in the meat industry are beyond disgusting. Chickens are fattened to such an extent that their bones break because they can no longer carry or support their own body weight. Poor little things… They live up to 1-1.5 years at most. Chickens are often killed after 30-40 days. Fast-food chains such as Kentucky Fried Chicken are particularly well-known for this.
Pigs live 15-18 months before being gassed in most cases. A terrible process of suffering and a terrible way to die. And for what? For five minutes of bacon flavor on the tongue? Cattle or cows are raped, artificially inseminated in order to then steal their milk in order to be able to sell it to people for a profit. The animals are kept in a painful manner, the calves are separated from their mothers immediately after birth so that they do not drink the milk. If the cow stops giving milk, the process starts all over again. When the cow gets too old, they send her to the slaughterhouse and she ends up on a burger fan’s plate.
Our ethical and moral thinking must speak to our conscience here. But humans are also masters of repression. We grow up with it and don’t know it any other way. We don’t question it because it’s always been like that. But is that really right and good? That’s why vegans enlighten, that’s why they are radical and sometimes they seem extreme. Only killing living beings when there is absolutely no need for it is extreme.
Animals are raped, their children are taken away from them, they are killed for the flesh, skin and liquids that come out of them. They have no rights whatsoever, one even distinguishes which animals are allowed to live with humans and which are only regarded as livestock. The german word “Nutztier” alone is a moral crime against animals. It means something like “An animal to use” or “Usefull Animal”. We wish for an animal-friendly, cruelty-free world in which all earthlings can live together.
You too can help to make this world a little better. Go vegan! The future animals of the world will thank you!
More details and information about “Veganism” and Animal Rights can be found here:
- Copyright 2023 | All rights reserved
- E-Mail: info@inmyprime.de
- www.inmyprime.de